Guest– Dr. Kenneth (Ken) Harris

Ep. 47: Dr. Kenneth Harris on Optimism and the Remarkable Power and Positivity Unleashed When We Open Ourselves to the Concept of Synchronicity


Dr. Kenneth (Ken) Harris is an experienced practitioner of holistic medicine and author of the book, Synchronicity. In this Blue Sky conversation, Ken describes the subtle but important difference he sees between coincidence and synchronicity and tells why he thinks it’s important for all of us to connect actively with others, leaving ourselves open to the mysterious and positive connections that can be made between people. As someone who was once clinically dead following a heart attack and had an “out of body” experience, Ken describes his appreciation for life and how fleeting our time here is. His enthusiasm and positivity are infectious and the ideas and anecdotes he shares here are thought-provoking and uplifting.


Dr. Ken Harris: Website Facebook YouTube Instagram LinkedIn

Find his book here


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